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We want to change how hiring works with new ideas and a focus on users in the United States. We aim to match the right people with the right jobs in the desired companies or organizations in a minimum amount of time.

About Us

At Licensed Jobs Near, we're changing the way people look for their dream job in America. We're an easy-to-use platform for employers and employees who are looking out for recruitment solutions. We seek to unite people with jobs they love and can do and thus help them build successful and rewarding careers.

We promise to be open, fair, and progressive. Licensed Jobs Near stands for making life easier with loads of job openings for employees in every single domain they are currently working.


Updated Job Listings

Job Listings at Licensed Jobs Near are updated as and when we receive new jobs. Old jobs, expired jobs are removed so that you get to have access to the new list.


Data Insights

Our team of technical experts are always in line with current trends in the job market. They keep you posted with current changes so that you can take well best decisions.

Experience Job Searching with Technology and Expert Leadership

At Licensed Jobs Near, we make job hunting and searching easy and enjoyable across the U.S. Our website does more than list jobs; it introduces you to careers that match your skills and values so that your career is rewarding and productive. We utilize the latest technology to give you a smooth, hassle-free experience. Our innovative search features, personalized guidance, and mobile support make job searching easy, convenient and tailored to your needs.

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Unique Filters

We provide you with unique search filters, this helps you to get to the most relevant job as per your requirement.


Top Ranking

Jobs that are posted using our platform at Licensed Jobs Near, always rank in the top position in Google for Jobs.


Career Advice

We not only provide you with job posts but also help you with career choice. We help you choose the best career as per the current market trends.

Leading Employers in the US

Find job openings with top companies that lead their industries. These businesses are known for their big roles and dedication to making a positive impact in their fields.